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Messiah: The Controversial Netflix Series

Writer: Felipe CruzFelipe Cruz

Exploring the intricate balance of faith and politics, "Messiah" is a Netflix series that raises significant questions about modern spirituality and media influence.

Mehdi Dehbi, Belgian actor who plays Al Messiah.

The setting is a war-torn Middle East, a political, territorial, and religious struggle where Arabs and Jews lay their differences on the table, all mediated by the world's superpower, the United States. Amidst this turmoil, a mysterious religious leader appears—long hair, olive skin, and an unshaven beard.

He preaches to a group of followers as an attack by the Islamic State unfolds. A sandstorm miraculously drives away the terrorists, saving the city—a miracle attributed to this young man. It doesn't take long for news of his deeds to spread globally, and thousands begin to view him as the “miracle man.” In the age of the internet, the figure dubbed “Al Messiah” begins to go viral, becoming an icon of salvation as described in the Holy Bible. At the same time, he is investigated by the FBI as a potential fraudster.

With a spoiler alert in place, this is the plot of Messiah, derived from the Hebrew word for “anointed,” the new Netflix series directed by Michael Petroni (known for "The Book Thief," 2014). The series intertwines politics, faith, and religion throughout, featuring Mehdi Dehbi in a role that will leave you questioning whether he is the Son of God or a sophisticated con artist.

One of Netflix's bets for 2020, the series sparked controversy even before its premiere on January 1st, as discussing religion, even on screen, is a precarious topic—treading a fine line between success due to high exposure and the risk of backlash from portions of the audience.

In Brazil, the subject was widely debated towards the end of the year due to the special from the production company Porta dos Fundos, titled “The Temptation of Christ (2019),” which portrays Jesus discovering his homosexuality after a desert pilgrimage. Religious groups criticized this portrayal and called for its removal, a request that was initially accepted by the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice but later overturned by Minister Dias Toffoli of the Supreme Federal Court.

Returning to Messiah, a campaign on called for a boycott of the series, arguing that it served as anti-Islamic propaganda. The director, Petroni, remarked in an interview that “it was a very audacious concept (...). You read the pilot (of the series) and this guy is going to march with 2,000 Palestinian Syrians across the Israeli border,” referring to the historical conflict between Palestinians and Jews over the recognition of Jerusalem, which both parties regard as their holy city.

Shortly before the global premiere, the Royal Film Commission (RFC) of Jordan, where part of the series was filmed, urged Netflix not to release the series in the country, as the majority of Jordanians follow Islam. For the RFC, even as fiction, the show could be interpreted as a “violation of religion,” which is prohibited in Jordan.

The Series

Messiah focuses on the possible return of a religious figure in modern times, in a world dominated by social media, fake news, trade wars, and a migration crisis. While he gains thousands of followers worldwide, the main character also ignites a global crisis by attempting to lead a group of Palestinians to the Gaza Strip, a territory controlled by Israel. In the United States, he is closely monitored by Eva Geller (played by Michelle Monaghan of “Mission: Impossible,” 2018), an FBI agent who views the messianic figure as a lightning rod for a potential war in the Middle East.

There are ten episodes available for streaming across Brazil, and talks of a second season are already underway, although a release date has yet to be set, as the first season leaves some questions unanswered. It’s definitely worth checking out.

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